Monday 29 December 2014

Free Download Biology Source Book for Enjoyable Teaching and Learning

Free Download Biology Source Book for Enjoyable Teaching and Learning


This sourcebook is addresssed to all those who are concerned with the teaching of Science at the Junior Secondary School level. This includes the Teachers, Teacher Training College Tutors and University Lecturers. Nevertheless, the book will also be useful to Science Club Organisers, the Student or Anyone who wants to experiment on their own. The main audience is the teacher and tutor who work in inadequate teaching and learning conditions trying to encourage students to develop skills to understand, control and wisely use science in their daily life.

This sourcebook is the result of an International Workshop which drew participants from Uganda, Tanzania, Germany and Great Britain.

This participants developed and tested ideas, experiments and activities which can be quickly performed in any classroom using a few low or even no cost materials. Moreover, these practicals do not require a great deal of preparation. Such easy and enjoyable activities and experiments have a long standing tradition in the history of teaching science. They are often called "hand experiments" because most can be performed without commercial equipment but by hands alone.
You will find ideas and suggestions which are not normally found in science textbooks. We assume that teachers are familiar with most of the traditional experiments which are found in the set textbooks.

Going through this book, the reader will find that many traditional experiments can be performed as "hand experiments" too. They are more illustrative and more appealing to the students than "black-box experiments" with sophisticated commercial equipment. They encourage the students' creativity to invent other experiments and activities and stimulate their natural curiosity to understand the biology of everyday life.

                                   To download this book click on download button


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